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Dark Fantasy Genre
Polygon Network
Web 3 Cyberverse
Hybrid monetisation model
4.5-star average user rating
#10 top grossing casual
Achieved over 1 million downloads
Rated 4.5 stars by users
More than 5 million user
Top virtual collaboration platforms
The open-source Roblox & UEFN alternative
Top 5 Most Anticipated Shooter Games
First-person & VR player controllers
10,000 Pre-Orders Before Release
Atmospheric action adventure game
Positive Reception with 90%
500+ Positive Reviews and Impressions
Top 10 Most Anticipated Games
1 Million+ Views on Gameplay Trailers and Teasers
Achieved 300 million downloads
Average rating of 4.5 stars
Metaverse NFT
95% positive user ratings
Created communities, where players collaborate and socialize.
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