Educational Platform (NDA)

  • Client Overview

    The product in focus is an open-source educational platform designed to deliver offline access to a variety of open-licensed educational resources, catering to low-resource environments such as rural schools, refugee camps, orphanages, and non-formal educational programs.

  • Business Requirements

    These channels include collections of educational resources like exercises, videos, audio, text files, and metadata, all organized for efficient use. Additionally, the platform integrates with a curriculum management tool, enabling the creation of custom channels aligned with local curricula or specific learning needs. The client requested comprehensive testing of the platform to identify any defects or inconsistencies in its functionality.


    • iOS
    • Android

Game Testing Solutions

  • Familiarization with Raspberry Pi (RPi)

    Explored the specifications and capabilities of the RPi to ensure effective testing procedures.

  • Transfer of Testing Scenarios

    Transferred all testing scenarios from the GitHub repository to Google Sheets for better organization and management.Ensured that all relevant test cases covering various aspects of the platform were included.

  • Installation and Setup

    Installed the e-learning platform software on the Raspberry Pi device according to the provided instructions.Established a connection between the Raspberry Pi and a MacBook via WiFi to enable access to the platform.

  • Testing Execution

    Executed Gherkin scenarios tailored for the Raspberry Pi platform using the Chrome browser.
    Focused testing efforts on core features including Super Admin, Coach, Learner, Guest, and server package scenarios.

  • Issue Reporting

    Reported failed tests and identified defects to the development team through the GitHub platform.
    Provided comprehensive information on the nature of defects, including steps to reproduce and potential impact.

  • Testing Iteration

    Conducted iterative testing cycles to validate bug fixes and enhancements made by the development team.
    Continued testing efforts until the desired level of reliability and functionality was achieved.

Business Impact / Benefits Delivered

During the testing process, we identified approximately 26 defects. Most of these were of minor or medium severity. However, the list also included critical issues and blockers—serious bugs that could impede the release by affecting core functionality and rendering the product difficult or impossible to use.

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